There are many products and strategies that can help prevent a child from bedwetting, but what do you do when there’s already a mess on your hands? This is just as important as preventing bedwetting accidents because it can teach your child valuable skills and responsibilities for this situation and later on in life. Always treat your child with positivity and respect. The key to handling this issue is letting your child take responsibility for cleaning up the mess and preventing bedwetting accidents altogether.
How to Handle Bedwetting Accidents
- Teach your child to change their own sheets after they have dealt with the immediate bedwetting problem. This kind of structure will make them less stressed out or anxious about coming to you for help.
- Have them remove all their sheets and bedding after they have gone to the bathroom to clean themselves. You can also show them how to use the laundry machine, but having them place the dirty sheets in a hamper will work too.
- Next, let your child know to inform you or another adult about the bedwetting problem. At this point, you can use chemicals, such as ammonia or name brand urine removers, and apply it to the mattress.
- After you have dabbed the chemicals on the mattress and soaked up the excess chemicals and urine with a dry towel, you can clean the sheet and clothing with your laundry machine.
- You should also have a spare set of sheets or a temporary sleeping space for your child if the mattress needs additional time to dry.
What to Do After Bedwetting Accidents
Remember to reward your child for following through on this procedure and taking the necessary steps to handle the bedwetting problem on their own. You should also make sure they feel comfortable sleeping after any bedwetting accidents. As long as they feel confident in following these steps, they will have everything they need to overcome bedwetting accidents.