What is enuresis? As defined, enuresis is the inability to control urination, especially during sleep. it is more commonly known as bed wetting or urinary incontinence. On this page, we will examine the different types of enuresis and what you can do to treat the problem.
What is Nocturnal Enuresis?
Nocturnal enuresis is urinating involuntarily while asleep after the age at which bladder control has usually occurred. There are also two types of the nocturnal isue: primary or PNE and secondary or SNE.
Primary is when a child hasn’t had a prolonged period of bladder control yet. Secondary is when a child or an adult begins wetting the bed after a prolonged period of being dry.
It’s important to note that most bed wetting issues in children are not the result of an emotional problem or a physical illness. In most cases, it is simply a developmental delay and a very common problem among children.
What is Diurnal Enuresis?
Diurnal enuresis is also known as “daytime wetting.” Some common symptoms associated with diurnal enuresis include frequent and urgent urination or dribbling after urination. Many children who battle nocturnal bed wetting issues do not also cope with the diurnal form as well.
While males battle nocturnal bed wetting more than females by a nearly three-to-one margin, diurnal enuresis is actually more common in females.
Treating Bed Wetting
There are several ways to treat both forms of bed wetting. For the nocturnal variety, bed pads, waterproof underwear and bed wetting alarms are widely available in stores and online. Counseling and medication is also an option for more severe cases.
For the diurnal form, treatments involving hydration and timed voiding are encouraged and employed. At one time, children were asked to stretch out their bladder by holding in their urine as long as possible. That form of treatment is no longer recommended due to health concerns.
Bed wetting is a common problem in both children and adults alike. Perhaps the best method of treatment is to just have patience. The first method you use may not always take, but you will be able to get control of the problem eventually. Like with other ailments, solving your bed wetting problem may need trial and error.